How to Update TCPDF

Dear Community,

I am running 5.1. and would like to update TCPDF to the latest version. I downloaded the latest Version (5.9...), unzipped, uploaded all files to include/tcpdf and copied manually all setting from the old confing to the new config.

When I try to create a pdf (quote, invoice, etc.) i just get a blank browser screen.

When I try to open an example file in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I receive this error: "TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: helvetica"

Does someone have experience with TCPDF? Did someone made an update? Is it possible?


I will return to the older version from my backups for now - until I get a further hint, what to do... Your help ist very appreciated,

Thx very much

Labbi <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>;


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • i don't think updating the tcpdf class is a good idea if you do not know exactly what you are doing. the tcpdf class has a lot of releases from the original developer and each new release may or may not work with your crm. your error message for example relates to the fonts used in tcpdf which may be different in each release.
  • hi balduin,

    thank you for your reply. it is really a pity, since the svg-support (vector-graphics) is given only in version 5+. on vtiger 5.1. there is still 4.something.

    do you know by hazard, wheather there is a 5+ version of tcpdf in vtiger 5.2. ??? if so, i would consider upgrading the entire system.

    thank you again,

  • i checked svg already and could not get it to work.
  • me too. exactly. this is because svg-support is given only for tcpdf-versions above 5.0.

    please, vtiger-team, upgrade tcpdf. it is very useful and makes the system more attractive, if we could use vector-images in the pdf files...

  • 2.ways try:

    open tcpdf.php
    jump to line 5109:
    $this-&gt;error('the font definition file has a bad format&#58; '&#46;$fontfile&#46;'');
    and input to line before:
    echo &quot;this-&gt;getfontpath&#58; &quot;&#46;$this-&gt;_getfontpath();
    save tcpdf.php
    try run generate pdf and you see together error message 'could not include font definition file family' the dir where font (helvetica.php) must be included. is it?


    open tcpdf.php
    jump to line 8763:
    protected function _getfontpath() {
    change line 8767:
    return defined('k_path_fonts') ? k_path_fonts &#58; '';
    to 8767:
    return &quot;/etc/etc/libraries/tcpdf/fonts/&quot;;
    directory where you have tcpdf fonts
    save tcpdf.php
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