It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
Warning: require(user_privileges/sharing_privileges_18.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vtigercrm510/include/utils/UserInfoUtil.php on line 752
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'user_privileges/sharing_privileges_18.php' (include_path='/var/www/vtigercrm510/include/htmlpurifier/library:.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/vtigercrm510/include/utils/UserInfoUtil.php on line 752
$url= 'http://url/vtigercrm510';
$client = new Vtiger_WSClient($url);
$login = $client->doLogin('admin', 'key');
if (!login) echo 'Login Failed';
else {
$module = 'Users';
$record = $client->doCreate($module,
Array('last_name'=>'soappi', 'roleid'=>'H3', 'user_name'=>'soappi8',
'user_password'=>'test', 'confirm_password'=>'passwd',
'email1'=>'email@', 'is_admin'=>'off',
'status'=>'Active', 'reminder_interval'=>'None',
'date_format'=>'dd-mm-yyyy', 'lead_view'=>'Today',
if($record) {
$recordid = $client->getRecordId($record['id']);
after you have checked those items, update in vtiger, then go back and check database entries for that user to see if any have changed or been added. then go see if the user_privileges/sharing_privileges_18.php file was created.
the xx is the number of the user id. so next user is 19 etc ...when clicking the edit and save buttons, the file will be created.
if you test this, please tell how it went. maby this is a bug or something ?
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(does not work)