Customer Portal

Dear All,

I am wondering does customer portal doesn't work on linux
I tried to insatll it and it can't login i don't know why?????

Is their any parameters that i have to set

Mary <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>;


  • 13 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • dear mary,

    thanks for using the customerportal.
    have you created a contact with emil id and the portal user access with valid support start date and end date.
    in the mean time can you please let us know the following details
    1. url of your vtiger server
    2. url to access the customerportal ie., where you have installed the customerportal and how can you access the customerportal in browser
    3. values given for the variables $server_path and $authenticate_path in customerportal/portalconfig.php file.

    thanks & regards
  • dear mary,

    thanks for using the customerportal.
    have you created a contact with emil id and the portal user access with valid support start date and end date.
    in the mean time can you please let us know the following details
    1. url of your vtiger server
    2. url to access the customerportal ie., where you have installed the customerportal and how can you access the customerportal in browser
    3. values given for the variables $server_path and $authenticate_path in customerportal/portalconfig.php file.

    thanks & regards

    dear mickie,
    does it possibile let user entry the basic contact information per contact webform , and the system auto enable the portal user item ?
    it will more efficiency , because we dont need to waste human resources to turn on the user as an portal user ?. let system auto handle it is more good .doesn't it ?

    best regards.

  • dear rick,

    if you want to enable the portal access to the customer when he create a contact from contact webform, then you need to customize the function create_contact_from_webform in soap/webforms.php file which is present under vtigercrm root directory.
    in this function there will be a line to save the contact like

    before this save function call you need to add the portal access, support start date and end dates like
    $focus-&gt;column_fields&#91;'portal'&#93; = 'on';
    $focus-&gt;column_fields&#91;'support_start_date'&#93; = '2006-06-08';
    $focus-&gt;column_fields&#91;'support_end_date'&#93; = '2007-06-08';

    after this save function call you can add the customization code to add the details in portalinfo table and sending mail to the customer about the login details.

    if you look into modules/contacts/save.php file there you can find makerandompassword function call in line no 177 and the function is placed in the same file in line no 33.
    after this function call there will be a insert into portalinfo query which will insert the portal access details in the portalinfo table. you need to add this query with valid details after this save function call.
    now the portal access will be given to the customer. if you want to notify the customer with the login details then you need to call the function send_mail like in line 195
    $mail_status = send_mail&#40;'contacts',$_request&#91;'email'&#93;,$current_user-&gt;user_name,'',$subject,$contents&#41;;

    where as the $_request is the to email address, $current_user->user_name will be used to set the from name and from email address, and you can give the details in $subject and $contents which are the mail subject and mail body.

    please let us know for further informations.
    thanks & regards
  • thanks mickie for your help and for your support

    i am still stucked in customer portal <!-- s:( --><img src="{smilies_path}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="sad" /><!-- s:( -->
    here is my $server_path = "";
    $authenticate_path = "";

    can u help what is the wrong
  • mickie my appache virtual host :

    <virtualhost *>
    serveradmin <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    documentroot /var/www/

    may this will help u to know what is my error

    thanks in advance
  • hi

    is the customer portal okay to use with the latest vtiger 5 beta? when creating a new ticket , i am having error messages on the picklist - ticket priority, category, severity,module:-

    warning: invalid argument supplied for foreach() in customerportal\tickets\utils.php

    any ideas???? thanks
  • dear mary,

    thanks for your details.
    here is my $server_path = "";
    $authenticate_path = "";

    serveradmin <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    documentroot /var/www/

    i think you are accessing your vtigercrm server in browser as <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    if yes, then you should give this full path in $server_path variable in portalconfig.php

    for example, i access my vtiger server as http://mickie:90/vtigercrm/index.php
    and the customerportal as http://mickie:90/customerportal/index.php
    then i should give the values in portalconfig.php like as follows
    $authenticate_path = &quot;http&#58;//mickie&#58;90/customerportal&quot;;
    please give the exact values because in the given server path the portal will look for the file which has the necessary soap methods.
    when creating a new ticket , i am having error messages on the picklist - ticket priority, category, severity,module:-

    warning: invalid argument supplied for foreach() in customerportal\tickets\utils.php

    can you look into the logs/vtigercrm.log file when you face this error and you can find whether these details have been returned from vtiger server or not. in the mean time,
    please open the file soap/customerportal.php which is in vtigercrm root directory ie., parellel to index.php and there will be a function get_combo_values which will return all these combo values. inside this function there will be a line
    global $adb;
    after this line please add the following line
    $adb-&gt;println&#40;&quot;inside the function get_combo_values&quot;&#41;;
    also at the end of this function there will be line like
    return $output;
    before this line add the following lines
    $adb-&gt;println&#40;&quot;return combo values ==&gt;&quot;&#41;;
    now go to the new ticket screen and look into logs/vtigercrm.log file, in this log file if you search the string return combo values then you can find the all combo values which will be return to the customer portal. otherwise please zip and send that vtigercrm.log to me. i will look into this and let you know.

    please let us know for further details
    thanks & regards
  • dear rick,

    if you want to enable the portal access to the customer when he create a contact from contact webform, then you need to customize the function create_contact_from_webform in soap/webforms.php file which is present under vtigercrm root directory.
    in this function there will be a line to save the contact like

    before this save function call you need to add the portal access, support start date and end dates like
    $focus-&gt;column_fields&#91;'portal'&#93; = 'on';
    $focus-&gt;column_fields&#91;'support_start_date'&#93; = '2006-06-08';
    $focus-&gt;column_fields&#91;'support_end_date'&#93; = '2007-06-08';

    after this save function call you can add the customization code to add the details in portalinfo table and sending mail to the customer about the login details.

    if you look into modules/contacts/save.php file there you can find makerandompassword function call in line no 177 and the function is placed in the same file in line no 33.
    after this function call there will be a insert into portalinfo query which will insert the portal access details in the portalinfo table. you need to add this query with valid details after this save function call.
    now the portal access will be given to the customer. if you want to notify the customer with the login details then you need to call the function send_mail like in line 195
    $mail_status = send_mail&#40;'contacts',$_request&#91;'email'&#93;,$current_user-&gt;user_name,'',$subject,$contents&#41;;

    where as the $_request is the to email address, $current_user->user_name will be used to set the from name and from email address, and you can give the details in $subject and $contents which are the mail subject and mail body.

    please let us know for further informations.
    thanks & regards

    dear mickie,
    thanks for your detail explain it , but i can't find the file as you mention
    for soap/webforms.php due to my version is 4.2.4 .
    i move the code from 5.0 but still cant work though.
    due to we are use 4.2.4 for deployment so could you tell me how to implement it base on version 4.2.4 ?
    thanks in advance.

  • dear rick,

    we have put the customerportal and wrbform soap methods seperately inside the soap folder in 5.0 beta version.
    if you are using 4.2.x series then you need to do this in contactserialize.php file which is present under vtigercrm root directory. but in this file we have used the function create_contact which is written for outlook. so we do not change this function.
    so please use the same versions of plugins and, if you want to use the latest webforms then you need to use the same version of vtiger.

    in case of webform, if you want use the latest webforms with the vtiger 4.2.4 where as you need to do the following changes
    1. copy the following files from 5.0 beta and paste it in 4.2.4 (in vtigercrm root directory)
    2. you can copy and paste all the contact creation details from latest soap/webforms.php to contactserialize.php in 4.2.4 but for this you need to replace vtigerservice.php?service=webforms with contactserialize.php in send_data.php
    when you do this first look into the webform files and then do the changes

    thanks & regards
  • dear mickie,

    i tried to change the server_path and the authentication path as you said exactly but it didn't work
    i don't know why really i tried everything and no way
    althoughwhen i tried it localhost it works fine but on the server it didn't
    i really didn't have any explanation so do u ?
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