Suggestion for RPMs and deb welcome

I all,
for vtiger crm 5 we want to produce new RPMs (for suse, after we think to red hat, mandriva) and .deb (for debian and ubuntu).
All your suggestions are welcome.

Another thing, with fbo (another french contributor) we prepare a starter for vtiger'n Go, this starter is an exe/bin for windows/Linux, based on QT.
This starter, is just for run server without dos/shell window, and make db backup.
In next time we want to add the sync possibility.
The project is not started yet, we think to run for january. <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>;


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • vtiger crm in debian and ubuntu ?
    we need some change : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    with fathi (debian/ubuntu contributor and other opensource projects), we are working on official debian/ubuntu packages up-to-date, we can enter vtiger-crm in debian and ubuntu repository.

    for debian, we need some little change, forgive vtiger_crm, use vtigercrm or vtiger-crm for source directory name.
    try to change _ by - or none.
    try to rename source directory with num of version like : vtiger-crm-4.2.3

    continue to purpose .tar.gz archive.

    purpose default params in config.php

    hostname auto detect not work with ipv6 (purpose localhost for default value)

    don't chmod+x source file (binairie like php) security reason

    license and license_aggreement must be merged to have one copyright file.

    the little bugs like 838 must be corrected faster
    (like kde project and his junior jobs, fixe a deadline to correct very little bugs, and use the community to correct. if community doesn't fixe the bug before deadline, official devs take several minor problem, the official devs just check the patch)
  • <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
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