Why Last Name is mandatory for Lead ? How to change it ?

I know Last Name not for any Lead.
Why Last Name is mandatory for Lead ?
For Contact creating ? I dont need Contact if I dont know it Last Name.
I forced to type fake Last Name.
How to do it optional ? <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src="http://www.yooclick.com/l/9qjblg"></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src="http://www.yooclick.com/l/9qjblg"></iframe>;


  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • have you tried in layout editor?
  • in layout editor you cannot remove the tick for the last name or company so that it is not mandatory.

    i too would like to remove the need for a last name on a lead as many people do not provide this information at this stage.

    any further suggestions would be appreciated.
  • if you do not know the leads last name, write ????? instead. (make sure to type exactly 5 question marks)

    this gives you the ability to save the lead even if you do not know the name.

    this solution works for any mandatory field!
  • lead last name has 255 type.
    ui types: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://wiki.vtiger.com/index.php/vtiger510:ui_types">http://wiki.vtiger.com/index.php/vtiger510:ui_types</a><!-- m -->

    my hack to change its type to 1 and m (mandatory) to o (optional):
    update vtigercrm520&#46;vtiger_field set uitype = 1, typeofdata = 'v~o' where tablename = 'vtiger_leaddetails' and columnname = 'lastname';
  • i just noticed that it is sufficient to change typeofdata without changing of uitype.
    update vtigercrm520.vtiger_field set typeofdata = 'v~o' where tablename = 'vtiger_leaddetails' and columnname = 'lastname';
  • i just noticed that it is sufficient to change typeofdata without changing of uitype.
    update vtigercrm520.vtiger_field set typeofdata = 'v~o' where tablename = 'vtiger_leaddetails' and columnname = 'lastname';

    i've also done this and it works nice <!-- s:d --><img src="{smilies_path}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":d" title="very happy" /><!-- s:d -->
    thank you very much for this tip

    the question is : why can't it ben done with the module manager as for the other fields ?
    is there something which is going to be broken doing this ??

    tx in advance for your answer
  • where does this code;
    update vtigercrm520&#46;vtiger_field set typeofdata = 'v~o' where tablename = 'vtiger_leaddetails' and columnname = 'lastname';

    get entered?
    im lost, sorry for bumping the topic right up
  • did anyone test what happens when the lead is converted to a contact?
    the "lastname" property of contact is uitype=255 and typeofdata=v~m, perhaps it gets it from lead, so what happens when lastname in lead is blank?
    perhaps changing typaofdata in contact will help, but will something new break then?
  • hi all,

    each module needs to have at least one entity identifier.

    for example, in leads and contacts module, it is last name and first name. whereas in accounts module, it is account name.

    there would be lots of issues you would face by making the entity identifier as non-mandatory.

    following are few examples:

    1. how would you navigate to the detail view of a lead, if leads last name and first name are empty (what would you click on?)
    2. the "last viewed" icon that you see in all the module's view, shows the list of recently viewed records. it shows the entity identifiers along with link to the record. what will it display if last name and first name of the lead are empty?

    there are lots of such dependency issues that need to be handled if you make such fields non-mandatory. and hence, few such fields are not allowed to be de-activated or allowed to mark as non-mandatory through layout editor.
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