SugarCRM 3.5 to vtigerCRM 4.2 Migration Tool Released!

Dear Community,

We are pleased to release the Migration tool for Open Source SugarCRM 3.5 free version to vitgerCRM 4.2


Migration Procedure from SugarCRM 3.5 to vtigerCRM 4.2:

Kindly note that both SugarCRM and vtigerCRM should be installed in the same server

Download the tool from the following url <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... p?download</a><!-- m -->

1. unzip the file under vtigerCRM home directory(parallel to index.php).
SugarMigration/VTigerMigrator.php &

2. Edit the Sugar35ToVTiger42Migration.php file present under the vtigerCRM home directory and configure the following parameter:
2.1. Specify the absolute path for $sugar_root_directory.

3. Now access the file Sugar35ToVTiger42Migration.php (present under vtigerCRM home) through your browser.

Now in the webpage necessary details will be displayed and the database values from sugarCRM 3.5 will be transferred to vtigerCRM 4.2 version

Note :

1. In this migration process the sugarCRM 3.5 database will not be modified.
2. During this migration first vtigerCRM 4.2 database values will be deleted and then new sugarCRM 3.5 values will be inserted.
3. After migration vtigerCRM 4.2 Patch2 will be applied automatically if you have not applied the patch already.

4. The data migration is handled for the following modules:
a. Users
b. Leads
c. Accounts
d. Contacts
e. Potentials (Opportunities)
f. Emails
g. Calls, Meetings (In vtiger these will be in Activites)
h. Notes
i. Tasks

5. The following functionalities has also been handled
a. Roles
b. Custom Fields
c. Picklists


1. In customfields, the PickList(Combo values) and TextArea has not been handled as we have some problems in these fields in sugarCRM.
2. Attachments are not supported in this migration script. <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>;


  • 50 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • i haven't had a chance to even trial this, but once i have approval from our sales director, we're going to migrate over from sugar. thanks for building this!
  • dear david,

    i am confused in this message because we didnot use query_module_access_list() in our migration script anywhere.
    we have included only the config.php and custom/include/language/en_us.lang.php files which are not include any other sugar files. there files have been included to get the dbconfiguration and the standard picklist arrays.
    so could you please let us know
    1. the path you have installed sugar
    2. the path given for the variable $sugar_root_directory in sugar35tovtiger42migration.php and
    3. the path, where you have placed the migration script.
    this will help us to proceed further.

    please feel free to contact us in toll free number or send mail to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    thanks & regards
  • so as is often the case, was user error. total user error.

    import ran successfully once i figured that one out, but do get an error on viewing imported users. now i am guessing user error, but if you wish to take a look, here is a section from the log:
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,219 &#91;419&#93; debug index - ****starting for session 436ef484a4a8fea7855e85e2f282a641
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,219 &#91;419&#93; debug index - we have an authenticated user id&#58; 11
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,219 &#91;419&#93; debug index - array &#40;
      'action' =&gt; 'detailview',
      'module' =&gt; 'users',
      'record' =&gt; '21',
      'phpsessid' =&gt; '436ef484a4a8fea7855e85e2f282a641',
      'ck_login_id' =&gt; '11',
      'ck_login_theme' =&gt; 'blue',
      'ck_login_language' =&gt; 'en_us',
      'timezone' =&gt; '0',
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,219 &#91;419&#93; info index - about to take action detailview
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,220 &#91;419&#93; debug index - in detailview
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,220 &#91;419&#93; info index - current page is modules/users/detailview&#46;php
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,220 &#91;419&#93; info index - current module is users 
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,227 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select name from tab where tabid in &#40;'1','2','3','4','6','7','8','9','10','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25'&#41; and presence = 0 order by tabsequence
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,228 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,229 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;getrowcount rows= 17
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,230 &#91;419&#93; debug user - retrieve user&#58; select * from users where id = '11'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,230 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select * from users where id = '11'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,230 &#91;419&#93; fatal vt - peardatabase -&gt;trans creating new connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,231 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;getrowcount rows= 1
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,234 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select u1&#46;first_name, u1&#46;last_name from users u1, users u2 where u1&#46;id = u2&#46;reports_to_id and u2&#46;id = '11' and u1&#46;deleted=0
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,234 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,234 &#91;419&#93; fatal vt - peardatabase -&gt;adodb fetchbyassoc return null
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,235 &#91;419&#93; debug user - additional detail query results&#58; 
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,235 &#91;419&#93; debug index - current user is&#58; admin
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,235 &#91;419&#93; debug index - current theme is&#58; blue
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,235 &#91;419&#93; debug index - current_language is&#58; en_us
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,240 &#91;419&#93; debug user - about to call tracker &#40;user_id, module_name, item_id&#41;&#40;11, users, &#41;
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,240 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; delete from tracker where user_id='11' and item_id='21'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,240 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,241 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;in  track view method users
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,241 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select first_name,last_name from users where id=21
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,242 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,242 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,243 &#91;419&#93; info tracker - track item view&#58; insert into tracker &#40;user_id, module_name, item_id, item_summary&#41; values &#40;'11', 'users', '21', ' standarduser'&#41;
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,243 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; insert into tracker &#40;user_id, module_name, item_id, item_summary&#41; values &#40;'11', 'users', '21', ' standarduser'&#41;
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,244 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,244 &#91;419&#93; debug tracker - about to verify history size&#58; select count&#40;*&#41; from tracker where user_id='11'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,244 &#91;419&#93; fatal vt - peardatabase -&gt;adodb getone sql=select count&#40;*&#41; from tracker where user_id='11'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,245 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,245 &#91;419&#93; debug tracker - history size&#58; &#40;current, max&#41;&#40;5, 5&#41;
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,245 &#91;419&#93; debug index - setting cookie ck_login_id to 11
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,246 &#91;419&#93; debug index - setting cookie ck_login_theme to blue
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,246 &#91;419&#93; debug index - setting cookie ck_login_language to en_us
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,246 &#91;419&#93; debug index - including headers
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,251 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is contacts
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,251 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='contacts'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,252 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,252 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is leads
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,252 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='leads'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,253 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,253 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is accounts
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,254 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='accounts'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,254 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,255 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is potentials
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,255 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='potentials'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,255 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,256 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is helpdesk
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,256 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='helpdesk'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,256 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,257 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is faq
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,257 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='faq'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,258 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,258 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is products
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,258 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='products'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,259 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,259 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is notes
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,260 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='notes'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,260 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,260 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is emails
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,261 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='emails'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,261 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,262 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is events
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,262 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='events'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,262 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,263 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is activities
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,263 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='activities'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,263 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,264 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is vendor
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,264 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='vendor'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,265 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,265 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select * from profile2tab where profileid=5
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,265 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,266 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;getrowcount rows= 22
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,268 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is pricebook
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,269 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='pricebook'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,269 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,270 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select * from profile2tab where profileid=5
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,270 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,271 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;getrowcount rows= 22
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,273 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is quotes
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,273 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='quotes'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,273 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,274 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is orders
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,274 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='orders'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,275 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,275 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is salesorder
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,275 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='salesorder'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,276 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,276 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select * from profile2tab where profileid=5
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,277 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,277 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;getrowcount rows= 22
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,280 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is invoice
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,280 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='invoice'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,280 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,295 &#91;419&#93; debug tracker - about to retrieve list&#58; select * from tracker inner join crmentity on crmentity&#46;crmid=tracker&#46;item_id where user_id='11' and crmentity&#46;deleted=0 order by id desc
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,295 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select * from tracker inner join crmentity on crmentity&#46;crmid=tracker&#46;item_id where user_id='11' and crmentity&#46;deleted=0 order by id desc
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,295 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,297 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is activities
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,297 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='activities'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,298 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,298 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;getactionname   4
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,298 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select * from profile2tab where profileid=5
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,299 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,299 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;getrowcount rows= 22
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,302 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;in getuserid 773
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,302 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select * from crmentity where crmid = 773
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,302 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,303 &#91;419&#93; fatal vt - peardatabase -&gt;adodb fetchbyassoc return null
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,303 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select activitytype from activity where activityid = 773
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,304 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,305 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;module  is users
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,305 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select tabid from tab where name='users'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,305 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,306 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;get actionid detailview
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,306 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;action id selected is 4
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,312 &#91;419&#93; debug user - retrieve user&#58; select * from users where id = '21'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,312 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select * from users where id = '21'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,312 &#91;419&#93; fatal vt - peardatabase -&gt;trans creating new connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,313 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;getrowcount rows= 1
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,315 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select u1&#46;first_name, u1&#46;last_name from users u1, users u2 where u1&#46;id = u2&#46;reports_to_id and u2&#46;id = '21' and u1&#46;deleted=0
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,316 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,316 &#91;419&#93; fatal vt - peardatabase -&gt;adodb fetchbyassoc return null
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,316 &#91;419&#93; debug user - additional detail query results&#58; 
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,317 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select roleid from user2role where userid='21'
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,317 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,318 &#91;419&#93; debug vt - message -&gt;query being executed &#58; select * from role where roleid=
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,318 &#91;419&#93; info vt - message -&gt;checkconnect using old connection
    wed oct 19 06&#58;28&#58;37 2005,318 &#91;419&#93; fatal vt - peardatabase -&gt;adodb error  query failed&#58;select * from role where roleid=&#58;&#58;-&gt;&#91;1064&#93;you have an error in your sql syntax&#46;  check the manual that corresponds to your mysql server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

    thanks for a wonderful way to transition to your product!

  • dear david,

    thanks for your reply. from the log file, the roleid is missing for the user with id 21.
    the problem may be due to creating role at the time of migration. to get the error please do look into your vtigercrm.log files from start ==> data migration to end ==> data migration . the logs will be placed more than one log files. if you can please have a look into that files otherwise please send me the log files which contains the migration informations ie., in between the above specified start and end data migration strings.
    please send the log files to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->.

    please feel free to ask if you have any problems.
    thanks & regards
  • dear team,

    in the migration process all the data in vtiger database will be deleted (please see the note 2 in this announcement first post).
    also it would be very helpful to find the problem, if you look into vtigercrm.log file(i have mentioned in my precious post) and if you cannot find the error then please send me that log files. i will look into the error and then let you know.
    please feel free to contact in toll free number or mail to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->.

    thanks for your understanding.
    thanks & regards
  • is there anyone at vtiger or in teh community who can manage this migration for me.

    how much is it likely to cost.

    thanks in advance

    gavin allinson
  • very similar to blaed, the user2role relationship wasn't populated so i had to manually add it for my users. there were clearly some other items missing as i couldn't go into some activities, items wouldn't appear on the "latest viewed" list. i did a migration of contacts and accounts. the rest will probably be manual.
  • btw, it was still worth the move to vtiger. my users are already singing its praises over sugar. speed is one big item.
  • same problem here, cannot log in / modify users because user2role table not populated. after updating manually, it was fine, though. very nice feature, got all my information over for a good start - and the outlook plugin works excellent at the first few tries.

    thanks for this useful tool, just moving over from sugarcrm after "word of mouth" <!-- s:) --><img src="{smilies_path}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="smile" /><!-- s:) -->
  • testing vtiger for the first time. tried the migration tool. however, none of our data was ported over and we can no longer login. i tried running the script again but with no luck.

    where should we go from here?

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