Delete Contacts from Campaign

I need to remove quickly the contacts associated to a campaign.
That's because if a vTiger user inserts a 500 contacts list e then he wants to remove them, he must delete them one by one. The selection of a different view works only in append and not in replace mode.
Is there any way to do this without coding???

Thanks in advance.
Filo <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>;


  • 18 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • hi filo,

    thank you for noticing this missing functionality. right now there is no way by which you can delete all contacts associated to a campaign in one go from ui. i have filed a trac ticket we will address this in our future release.
  • thank you very much.

  • we will address this in our future release.

    has this been addressed?? i'm running 5.2.1 and i can't see how i can delete contacts from this list <!-- s:? --><img src="{smilies_path}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="confused" /><!-- s:? -->
  • we will address this in our future release.

    has this been addressed?? i'm running 5.2.1 and i can't see how i can delete contacts from this list <!-- s:? --><img src="{smilies_path}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="confused" /><!-- s:? -->

    no it has not, you can see the ticket is still open
  • no it has not, you can see the ticket is still open

    this must be a tough one if two years later the problem still hasn't been solved <!-- s:( --><img src="{smilies_path}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="sad" /><!-- s:( -->
  • indeed, i'm know the sql and it's this hard:
    delete from vtiger_campaigncontrel where campaignid=xxxx;
    but i can have missed something.

    maybe some else know how to add a button above the contacts that fire the query?
  • 2015 and still not fixed. sometimes I think the priorities are a little confused
  • HI ,
    If you are very good in writing mysql query , then delete these record from database . Before that please take backup of current database.

    Please feel free to contact me for any further assistance
    Vivek(7 years plus on this domain)

    e - | skype - mahatma07vivek
  • FYI:
  • Hi,
    Let me tell you about database query -

    first you need to find all contacts related to a campaign. Here is the query -

    SELECT * FROM `vtiger_campaigncontrel` WHERE `campaignid`='".$campid."'; [$campid= current campaing id]

    run the above in the vtiger database .
    Then you delete. However you make this process automatic you need to add 2 loops in script .

    Please take database back up before you do any chenages in the database.

    Please feel free to contact me for any further assistance
    Vivek(7 years plus on this domain)

    e - | skype - mahatma07vivek
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