Workflow not working

Hi! All,

We are testing 5.1 RC and while testing the Workflow we find some challenges.

We we go to Settings --> Workflow --> New Workflow.
Under condition it shows "Loading" and it continuously goes like that.. nothing happened after that. We are not able to change the condition or any thing else.

We have changed the file and added the app_key. However since our webserver is located in other country and i don't have any remote access to it. The only way is to access my files through FTP.

Please advice what can we do

Vivek <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>;


  • 13 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • hi! all,

    i found an error on the left bottom of my ie. when i clicked on this it says:

    line 260
    error: exception thrown & not caught
    url: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tials&save</a><!-- m --> type=new&module=con_vtiger_workflow&action=editworkflow&save=create

    on another pc it gives :

    webpage error details

    user agent: mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 8.0; windows nt 6.0; trident/4.0; gtb6; slcc1; .net clr 2.0.50727; media center pc 5.0; .net clr 3.5.21022; infopath.2; .net clr 3.5.30729; .net clr 3.0.30729)

    message: syntax error
    line: 27
    char: 4
    code: 0
    uri: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ervices.js</a><!-- m -->

    please help.

    i am using ie7 & firefox 3.5

  • hi! all,

    can anyone please help to resolve this.

  • hi! all,

    please find the attached screenshot of the problem.

  • if you've got no access to your server you won't be able to set up the shell script cron job to make workflows work anyway, so even if you solve this problem it won't really matter because workflows won't work without the cron job set up on the server
  • actually it was validation 1 and has some problem in it. we installed 5.1 rc after that and everything is working fine.

    thanks to all.

  • hi,

    we are using 5.1.0 and we have exactly the same problem.
    it's a fresh install on a linux server.

    does anyone knows how to solve this issue ?


    david v.
  • you are probably getting a javascript error which would be very useful to debug the problem.
    try using firefox

    also have a look at this ticket, in case it is related:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

  • joe,

    thanks for replying.

    i do use firefox. but i don't get errors.
    just a few warnings in the error console every time a page loads.

    i've seen the ticket in trac. it's not related since i've nothing in the workflow. i was trying to create one.

    david v.
  • then you must be getting errors on the vtiger side. try activating debug level and check the logs.

    see if that gives you any clues.

  • joe thanks again !

    i used the logs and i found the problem :

    if a custom module is active and a language other than english is active and the language files for this module are not present, the workflow screen stops loading and stays just like we can see it on the image above.

    the program enters the function return_module_language but does not return. i guess it would be better to return with english strings if the other language files were not availables (wich is the general behavior of vtiger).

    here are the 2 last lines of the log file :
    mon aug 10 03:24:07 2009,612 [13321] debug webservice - entering return_module_language(fr_fr,vtmessages) method ...
    mon aug 10 03:24:07 2009,613 [13321] warn webservice - unable to find the module language file for language: fr_fr and module: vtmessages

    the french files are not found.

    the behavior is the same if the language selected at login is english or french.

    the solution was to desactivate the custom module vtmessages.

    david v.
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