The PDF generator which comes with the vtiger release did not fit to our requirements.
At <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> you may find a different PDF generator for quotes, orders and invoices.
What is different:
- full utf8 support due to the use of the new tcpdf class
- multi language output based on language files
- different layout without frame lines
- different header to fit into European window envelopes
- flexible to include as much text as needed
- includes product description as well as product comments
- includes text form description fields of quotes. orders ...
- excludes the header on multiple pages
Please read the readme.txt file for installtion instructions. Attached is a quote example.
You may give it a try and let me know how it works for you. <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>;
can you add one field with account tax id and insert it
under 12345 sample city.
in footer add one line for capital of company and other.
in addition, if you use another language than english, add the following line in each createpdf.php below the statement:
//added by crm-now
$usageunit[$i] = $associated_products[$i];
add this line:
//if the translated string is available then the translated string other wise original string will be returned
$usageunit[$i] = gettranslatedstring($usageunit[$i], 'products');
and i´ve lost item number in quotes.
everithing else seems to be working
are you using this on 5.03? any other issues that you found yet?
thank you for this contributions.
but i have problem <!-- s:( --><img src="{smilies_path}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="sad" /><!-- s:( --> can you help me please
1-) when i try to your pack on 5.04, get a this error message " tcpdf error: missing or incorrect image file: /tmp/jpgubttxq"
2-) having problems with accented characters like óĞüçöŞİöçşiğü.
(i try build new font for tcpdf but i didnt find any solution)