Can I use vtiger for mysql data on the cloud?

Hi all. I've been doing some research for my organization about moving some or all of our CRM-related data (which is currently stored on mysql databases) to the cloud. I've checked out a few mysql cloud-based environments, but I need something that knows how to synch with my crm data as well. Anyway, I wonder if vtiger has a possibility of connecting or loading from mysql databases? Pretty new to this solution, I'd be glad to hear if anyone can offer me their opinion. Thank you, Milly <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src=""></iframe>;


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • vtiger crm is very good at integration., you have various options, like soap, rest, importing or direct php programming with vtlib. that doesn't mean it is easy, quite the contrary as "integration" is a word with a lot of work behind it. it isn't just a question of vtiger crm, the other side of the integration has a lot to do with it also
  • milly,

    vtigercrm can run with daas [offering mysql of course] without any change or integration, though it has many benefits like, not required to manage yourself, but you have to see if the cost is okay for you. as if you only have a single db and the size is less then 1gb [for foreseeable future], i think its worth looking at.

    my few cents.

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